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Unconditional Love

Can we stop speaking how everyone else does!? We so comfortably follow the world's colloquialism that value becomes vanity, and vanity becomes value.

Have you ever heard someone, or yourself, express a desire for true/unconditional love? You may have thought to yourself, "Aw, that'd be just chipper!"

What is love if not true/unconditional!?

To compartmentalize and specify a form of love is to suggest that love can exist any other way. The ignorance partly comes from analogizing dating to retail, "I'm back on the market." No wonder people enter relationships like they do a car dealership, attempting to configure options by adding and removing elements as they please.  

Romans 5:8 - "God showed us his love in that while we were still yet sinners, Christ died for us." I don't see Christ choosing which sins to die for. If salvation was contingent on our righteousness, there'd be none. So to if love were some conditionally based options package you'd see little to no successful relationships.

The ignorance of compartmentalizing what shouldn't be can be viewed in the following example:
e.g. - it's like your desiring respect from your significant other and they justify infidelity by saying "you asked for respect, not faithfulness." 


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