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Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for the gift of creativity. My colleagues will tell you, "everything's a story with him!" It's hard for me not to think expressively. I find myself challenging traditional adages and proposing perfectly poised prompts to shift minds away from normalized thinking. Care to join me in this!?

L.I.S.T.E.N. is an acronym for Lessons in Scripture to Enact Now. I hope that by this blog the lessons that I have learned in Bible study around my Lord, my leadership, and my love (relationships) can benefit others. It's my intention with this prose to enable readers with actionable steps toward success in these three areas.

I will not solely direct communications towards believers. I honestly believe, no pun intended, that there is a harvest of wisdom to reap here for anyone and everyone. Commit to approach this with an open mind and an open heart and realize that I am but one person speaking of personal experience. Your role as the reader is to discover its application for you.

You can expect a lot of B.A.D. posts from me - "there he goes again with the acronyms -- someone tear out the period key on his keyboard" - by that I mean I will make many points in Brevity and Depth. So here's a B.A.D. post to lead us into this e-literary journey:

BOUNDaries: Sometimes we may think boundaries mean bondage, but BOUND entails movement towards something. Boundaries are most often created for safety and security, defining the space we’re allotted in a particular area. For many, boundaries may instead be perceived as constraints rather than a designation of free/open space. But what we know about the word  “bound” is that it signifies moving forward towards something. Setting boundaries, then, is fruitful, not futile. All in all, we establish boundaries in relationships so that they're bound for success.   


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