I originally wanted to title this post "PRElationship" but then immediately realized the futility of doing so. The premise of course being, every successful relationship comes with preparation. But... the reality is we can prepare for relationships, but we can't prepare for who we're relating with/to.
Abiding by the "textbook definition" of relationships anyone may count themselves a success. Why? Because it misses the central point. It reads like so:
However, these answers exist within the very composition of the word. Let's break up the word to avoid any more break ups with you the reader.
RE- again
LATE- after the expected, proper, or usual time
-ION action
-SHIP the quality, condition, status and tenure of
A relationship's quality, condition, status and tenure are dependent on the actions/efforts the two make to relate to one another. As we see, to relate is to regularly and repeatedly vye for your significant other's affections. This is why dating continues into marriage and "the little things" don't end after a dating relationship becomes exclusive.
Men, everyday together is a day to get her.
- The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected (by blood or marriage)
- The way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave towards each other
- An emotional or sexual association between two people
However, these answers exist within the very composition of the word. Let's break up the word to avoid any more break ups with you the reader.
RE- again
LATE- after the expected, proper, or usual time
-ION action
-SHIP the quality, condition, status and tenure of
A relationship's quality, condition, status and tenure are dependent on the actions/efforts the two make to relate to one another. As we see, to relate is to regularly and repeatedly vye for your significant other's affections. This is why dating continues into marriage and "the little things" don't end after a dating relationship becomes exclusive.
Men, everyday together is a day to get her.
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