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Showing posts from January, 2017

When, Will You Be Here?

"When" is that distant friend of ours we can't seem to easily get a hold of. Once dependable, "When" rarely seems present and is always promising you of their later availability.  Here's what I'm alluding to: for a lot of us, our goal setting, vision casting, and dream chasing is defined by “when.” When I get this job  When I get this car When I have this conversation When I develop this idea  When , out of context, is illusive. Getting away from the word play for a moment, I realize that this play on words in its usual form, "when will you be here?" communicates the same point. In all your wishful thinking of the future, when will you be  HERE  in the moment? Creating a new reality for yourself requires you to remain in your current one to see the revision process through. View it this way. It's not just about getting there! With any destination (there) you have a starting point (here). So you can't get where you ...

Resolve Your Resolutions

It's that time of the year! "New year, new me" - as cliché and dated as that statement is I'm sure we'll see it posted about and hear it in passing. New Years is a time people use to reflect and create goals for improvement. Alternatively, without reflection, people simply vow that the year to come will be better and express eagerness to see the end of the current year. But why do we wait until years end? Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 & Numbers 30:2   instruct us not to delay fulfilling vows and oaths, and to hold to our word and do everything we said we would. So what holds us back? I believe what holds us back is the comparison trap. Luke 18:18-27  introduces us to the rich young ruler. He's resolved to inherit eternal life so he rightfully inquires with Jesus as to the means of doing so. The responses are encouraging as he realizes he's doing many things correctly. So at what point is he disheartened? Jesus challenges him then to do more - go and...